Posts tagged "LRA"

Social Scholars: Educators’ Digital Identity Construction in Social & Connected Online Learning Environments

We have continued to unpack data from the first round of the #WalkMyWorld project. This blog post shares materials from research I conducted with Julie Wise that examined pre-service and veteran educators and their experiences in the project. We also submitted the paper presented at LRA to Literacy Research: Theory, Method, and Practice. It was published in…

LRA: Research to Practice Episode 003 – Writing and Multimodality

Episode 003 of the LRA: Research to Practice Show will be held on Monday January 13th from 2:00-3:00 pm. The purpose of the Research to Practice series is to connect current research and “best principles” to what could/should be happening in the classroom. We’ll be using Google Hangouts-on-Air to broadcast and save the shows. This means that you can watch the show live while it is…

Open Access Writing, Publishing, and Sharing

TL;DR version: This post is the first in a series of posts in which I’ll reflect on events and discussions from the recent LRA Conference in Dallas, TX. I’m finally home, and caught up with grading, tenure materials, and other errands. In this first post I’ll discuss some interesting discussions and current events associated with…

LRA: Research to Practice online video initiative

Today (11/4/2013) we finally have the opportunity to start a new initiative with the Literacy Research Association. For those of you that are not aware, the LRA is a community of scholars dedicated to promoting research that enriches the knowledge, understanding, and development of lifespan literacies in a multicultural and multilingual world. I currently work…