Posts tagged "teaching"

How Will AI Impact the Job of Educators?

With the advancement of technology, AI has become an integral part of our daily lives. From Siri and Alexa to chatbots and AI-driven machines, we are surrounded by intelligent machines. While AI has brought about significant changes in various fields, it is also expected to impact the job of teachers. I wrote a bit about…

Sharing What You Love

Several years ago, I was explaining to a colleague the challenges I was having in teaching my class on content area reading and writing. For those that are not literacy educators, this is a class that is taught to (primarily) middle grades and secondary teachers across different content areas (math, science, social studies). In this…

Getting Started With Ungrading

Over the past semester or two, as COVID has been disrupting most parts of our lives, I’ve been thinking more about teaching, learning, and assessment in my classes. This is more than just an opportunity to modify my practice when things go sideways. I think this pandemic has given us an opportunity to think deeply…

Risky Business

As the coronavirus disrupts and displaces most aspects of our lives, most of the professions that support systems in society, especially ones that support our youth, have been strained. As the pandemic rages around the globe, it is impossible to ignore the value that public schools provide and the services provided for society. Hit most…

Teaching in the Time of COVID

For more than a decade, I’ve been teaching educators from Pre-K up through higher education how to be digitally literate educators. In earlier posts discussing how to be a digitally literate educator, and agile researcher, I boil this down to a three step process: Create and curate your digital identity – Write yourself into being.…

Teaching When Things Go Sideways

Much too frequently things don’t go the way we planned it in our classrooms. I feel like I’ve given this talk much too often to students in my classes over the last couple of years. This has been due to an incoming hurricane, blizzard, tornado, or some other natural disaster. This past week I gave…

Spending a Little Time “Making” the Web

I recently received an invite from Doug Belshaw to join Mozilla’s Teach the Web MOOC. The open project is part of the #teachtheweb initiative and focuses on building the skills needed to teach digital literacies and web-making tools in the context of the community and classroom. In reviewing the initial post by Kevin Hodgson…I also started to…