<span class='p-name'>The Story of Us – Learning Event Nine #WalkMyWorld 2015</span>

The Story of Us – Learning Event Nine #WalkMyWorld 2015

Welcome all to Learning Event Nine in the #WalkMyWorld Project. For the full write-up on this ninth learning event, please click here. This blog post will share the information presented in the original post on the #WalkMyWorld Project website, but add a bit of extra information and guidance.

Reflecting and reporting on us

Throughout the 2015 version of the #WalkMyWorld project, we have been building, exploring, and participating in online spaces. Some of you have joined this project as a class requirement. Some of you have joined to learn, interact, and play with others. Regardless of your point of entry, hopefully you’ve learned some things about interacting, sharing, and socializing on the Internet with others.

Additionally, over the course of the #WalkMyWorld project, you have been acting as a Webmaker. Some of you have also been helping and guiding others, much like a Webmaker Mentor. We’ve been building, breaking, and sharing online all while building up our web literacies. Together we are building a web that is open, free, and participatory.



For this learning event we will use various digital texts and tools to document and report on what we have learned individually and collectively. We will reflect on what we have learned, and the role of learning socially in this experience. We’ll share how we want to learn and participate on the web going forward. Finally, we’ll use and share digital content in an open, web-friendly format with others. This learning event is based on a project for the Webmaker Clubs and the WNYC Radio Rookies.

How do I do this?

Watch the following video from WNYC Radio Rookies. Print out and follow the storytelling and recording tips if needed.

Brainstorm possible ideas or topics for your Story of Us. What do you have a unique perspective on? Is there a social problem you would like to see addressed in a story? What sides of a story are often ignored? What is a story that people don’t know about, but should? What is something you are very curious about and want to know more?


Are you concerned with the way that gender is viewed online and in our classrooms?
Are you concerned with high-stakes testing in schools? Do you work to find better ways to embed STEM into all aspects of teaching and learning? Do you wonder about privacy and security in online spaces? All of these are possible starting points. What do you have a unique perspective on?

Use digital tools to create and share your Story of Us. A good Story of Us has three parts:

  • Me. Start with a story about who you are. This helps your audience understand your perspective and establishes your voice in the story. Focus on an event, or challenge in your life. You have have had multiple opportunities to share aspects of your identity in the #WalkMyWorld Project. You may decide to take one of your earlier shared pieces and build off of that.
  • Us. After you start with your story, bridge your personal perspective out to connect with the audience. Explain why your point of view is relevant to the other members of our community. What challenges and opportunities might others encounter if they’re presented with the same obstacles or decisions? What choices do we have in response to these challenges? Might we have the opportunity to live and learn together? What might this future look like?
  • Now. A good story ends with a call to action. You want our audience to know they can take action…and what that action should be. Present the opportunities we all have for enacting change. Do you want to connect with others and continue to work and share in the future? Present concrete steps about what could and should be done next.
Record, reflect and share your Story of Us on the #WalkMyWorld hashtag. You might also chose to include the #teachtheweb hashtag now that you’re a webmaker. As you create and share, you should consider the tools you’ll use to record and share your story. You might useSoundcloud, YouTube, or Google Drive to save and share your files.
Be sure to stay active on the #WalkMyWorld hashtag to see what others share about their journey. I’m sure we’ll have some people in the #teachtheweb community checking out and responding to your cool work.

A guiding example

As detailed earlier, this learning event is based on a project by the webmaker clubs and the WNYC Radio Rookies. We recommend joining the Mozilla Learning forum to get in touch, connect, and borrow ideas from other fellow webmakers.



Cover image CC BY 2.0 Archives Foundation

Top image CC BY 2.0 Brian Metcalfe

Middle image CC BY 2.0 Brian Metcalfe

Bottom image CC BY 2.0 Brian Metcalfe


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