<span class='p-name'>Week Five – Online Collaborative Inquiry #ORMSMOOC</span>

Week Five – Online Collaborative Inquiry #ORMSMOOC

Welcome to week five of the Online Research and Media Skills (ORMS) Mentored Open Online Community (MOOC). The ORMS MOOC has existed in different iterations over the last two years. This current version is developed as an open learning experience for students in ED 6671 (syllabus here). ED 6671 examines opportunities for the use of instructional technologies in an educational context. We’ll not only discuss what to use in your classroom…but also how to use it.

In week five of the ORMS MOOC we’ll move on to Module 2 of the ORMS Model. Once again, you can learn more about the MOOC here…and access the actual MOOC here. This week we’ll start looking at learners as they collaborate and co-construct information together. Module 2 is listed as Online Collaborative Inquiry and we’ll be thinking about students individually and collaboratively learning and using online information.

Each module lasts two weeks…you can work at your own pace. On the syllabus it has blog posts listed as being due this week, or next week. The truth is that you can submit your assignments at any point this week or next.

How to use the MOOC

To get started for this module you click here to get to the opening page for Module 2. On that opening page, I list the learning outcomes, learning standards, a pre-survey, and a short intro video showing how to get through the module. On the Readings tab and Videos tab I list numerous texts that I think you should review. You do not have to review everything…you chose what you want to read/watch. You might also research online and find other things to read/watch/discuss.

Responding to Module 2 of the ORMS MOOC

During Module 2, you have two blog posts. Post one is a response/reflection to the prompt on the syllabus and the Discussion and Badges page. In your blog posts and responses to this module, please be sure to link out to anything and everything that you reviewed during the module. It is suggested that you use Storify to document your learning throughout the module. Let us know what you read, your reflections about what you read, and how it will now inform your thinking and practice.

Share your post out to the Google+ Community, and out to your favorite social networks. Be sure to use the hashtags (#ORMSMOOC and #ed6671).

Badges for Module 2 of the ORMS MOOC

At the conclusion of Module 1, you are to complete materials and pledge/apply for the Online Collaborative Inquiry Exemplar Badge. I’ll talk more in the next day or two to figure out what you need to do for the badge for this module. For now…just review the contents in Module 2 and start developing your Reflection post response.



Cover photo by enshahdi http://flickr.com/photos/shahdi/5210439036 shared under a Creative Commons (BY-NC) license


  • 💬 Gerald Ardito
  • 💬 Scholedge Publishing Inc.

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