I written several times about the initiative underway with Mozilla with to develop and release a new Web Literacy Standard. The great folks leading the way behind the development of these web literacies have released a formal “request for comments” (RFC). To view the announcement on Doug Belshaw’s blog, please visit this page….or here on…
Posts tagged "Mozilla"
Challenges in Launching and Hosting an Open, Digital Badge Initiative
I learned a tough lesson yesterday. As I’ve detailed here on this blog, I’ve been involved in developing an open badge initiative to partner up with my ORMS model and MOOC. Over the past couple of months we’ve developed a series of open badges and uploaded them into badges.mozilla.org. Yesterday I went to my MOOC…
Design Evolution of the Graphics in an Open Badge Initiative
TL;DR version: Documentation of the graphics, design choices, and rationale of iterations of the open badge initiative we’re completing for use in the Online Research & Media Skills learning community. As I have documented through a series of blog posts, we’ve been working on developing an open badge initiative. The badges will connect with completion and serve as…
Help Create a Web Literate Planet With The Mozilla Web Literacies
TL;DR version: Get involved in the Mozilla Web Literacies initiative. Explore, Build, and Connect a more web literate future for the digital tiny tykes. The work on the Mozilla Web Literacies has been continuing beyond the original beta launch of the strands. To follow the work on these Web Literacies please visit this site, or…
What kind of thinking is involved when you Make? #teachtheweb
TL;DR version: While “making” online content, I engaged in the following activities: Planning, Generating, Organizing, Composing, and Revising. For the first week of “class” in the Mozilla Teach the Web MOOC we were asked to first of all introduce ourselves by creating a “webby” intro using Popcorn, Thimble, or X-Ray Goggles. I chose Popcorn since…
Spending a Little Time “Making” the Web
I recently received an invite from Doug Belshaw to join Mozilla’s Teach the Web MOOC. The open project is part of the #teachtheweb initiative and focuses on building the skills needed to teach digital literacies and web-making tools in the context of the community and classroom. In reviewing the initial post by Kevin Hodgson…I also started to…
Preparing Teachers & Students for Web Literacies
Over the past couple of months I’ve been trying to help out on the community calls for Mozilla as they develop new Web Literacies and learning standards. To follow these developments and join in you can either view the archive of the meetings here, or the latest versions on Doug Belshaw’s blog. The structure and alignment…