Posts in "CONSUME"

Hell Yeah…or No

Derek Sivers, one of my all-time favorite thinkers, has a philosophy on what’s worth doing that is helpful as you outline your goals and objectives. This could include what you choose to focus on in your daily interactions. It also includes the offers that come in each day to your text messages, email inbox, or…

Becoming Self-Actualized

Do you seek bondage or liberty in your daily interactions? In a recent podcast, one of the hosts was discussing the challenge of identifying long term goals and objectives in our lives. The host indicated that the main challenge is that many individuals, including most adults, do not know what they “want to be when…

How to Know You’re Not Insane

At times you might find yourself asking your smart home device if you’re crazy. When you’ve been emotionally abused or gaslit for a period of time, you develop mistrust in your own perceptions, emotions, thoughts, and actions. You don’t trust what you see, hear, or think. You’re told that you didn’t see what you think…

Combating Misinformation & Disinformation

We’ve been hearing a great deal about misinformation and disinformation in online, social spaces. These two topics differ on intent. That makes it much harder to differentiate. You need to know/understand what the purpose or sincerity of the sender. You also need to consider if you’re willing to question what they’re communicating…or if you’ll blindly…

When Critical Evaluation Goes Too Far

I write a weekly newsletter that examines the intersection between tech, education, and literacy. Several months ago, as the coronavirus started ramping up in the US, I covered the story of plandemic video that went viral online. As an Internet researcher, especially one that studies critical evaluation of online info…I thought this video looked bogus,…

How to Cultivate Self-Awareness

As you create and curate your digital identity, you’re building a digital representation (or multiple representations) of yourself. This means that you’re trying to think about who you are…or who you would like to be. When I work with students or colleagues in this area, they often come back to statements like “Who would want…

Trading Up The Chain

This past week, the first debate was held in the 2020 U.S. Presidential election. The next morning, I woke up and scrolled through my Nuzzle feed to see what I missed overnight. Strangely, there was a lot of buzz around “Joe Biden’s earpiece” and that Biden backed out of an ear “inspection” before the debate.…

De-hypnotizing ourselves

I desire so to conduct the affairs of this administration that if at the end I have lost every other friend on earth, I shall at least have one friend left, and that friend shall be down inside of me. Abraham Lincoln Since our birth, we’re hypnotized to some extent in believing ideas that we…

Pause & Reboot

Your goal is not to battle with the mind, but to witness the mind.Swami Muktananda As I develop a daily plan of attacking the world, I take time each morning to pause, and reboot the brain. Sometimes I wake in the middle of the night and the brain is running full speed thinking about what…