Posts in "TEACH"

What is digital literacy?

The Internet is the defining text of this generation. We use it as a space to read, write, communicate, socialize, and participate globally. This technology facilitates access to an unlimited amount of online information in a participatory learning space. Literacy means many different things to different people. For me, literacy involves the knowledge, skills, and…

Critical Media Literacy

The Internet is the dominant text of our generation. Millions of individuals globally use it to read, write, communicate, and participate with others. Yet, in an online space that regularly serves up spin, fake news, and shades of fiction, it’s easier than ever to consume falsehoods and spout them as fact. That’s why critical media…

Semi-Permeable Membranes as Digital Learning Spaces

Part of the learning process involves a certain amount of failure. Individuals have an opportunity to learn from their mistakes and use them as a source for understanding. Learning from, and overcoming mistakes also provides opportunities to improve motivation and self-esteem of the learner. The possibility of suffering defeat or failure in making a mistake…

The case for anonymity online

This past year was a tough one for a variety of reasons. Many personal and professional things happened behind the scenes that seemed to ratchet up the stress and anxiety level to ten. Some of this may be due to our second child turning three as well. 🙂 One specific series of events sent me…

Social Scholarship: Educators in digital, social spaces

Educators must prepare students to be the multiliterate individuals that they will need to be successful in their futures. Schools are ultimately responsible for preparing students to be critical users of available technologies (Damarin, 2000; Leu, Kinzer, Coiro, & Cammack, 2004), problem solvers, and good communicators in networked civic spaces (Mishra & Kereluik, 2011; Binkley…

Digital Literacies and the Skinner Box

If you recognize the name B.F. Skinner, you most likely associate him with behaviorism, a theoretical perspective that focuses on human behaviors a primarily responses to stimuli. This approach assumes that all behaviors are responses to stimuli from the outside world, either rewards or punishment.  This system of rewards and/or punishment is known as operant…

How to respond to trolling behaviors

If you interact online, chances are you have witnessed trolling and trolling behaviors. You may also have been targeted by these behaviors as they show up in comment sections and social media platforms.  A 2016 poll of over 1000 Americans reported that 25% of respondents were victims of online harassment or knew someone who was. Of the…