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Information Without Emotion is Rarely Retained

This idea is framed differently in various places, but the most concise version comes from Tony Robbins. Robbins states: We’ve all been put to sleep by somebody who’s told us all these wonderful facts that didn’t matter because information without emotion is not retained. Emotions in learning Emotions play a large part not only in garnering attention, but…

Wisdom is Tolerance of Cognitive Dissonance

In our daily interactions, we often try to consider what elements combine to create real “wisdom.” The challenge is that wisdom is what we call a mental construct. That is to say that it is something that exists only in our minds. Other constructs include motivation, creativity, and intelligence. Mental constructs are hard to consider, yet…

Goals, Strategies, Objectives, & Tactics

Whether you’re working on a grant proposal, lesson plans, or planning for a project, it is important to write a clear account of your plan of action. This plan may break down into component parts of goals, strategies, objectives, and tactics. GOAL – A broad primary outcome. STRATEGY – The approach you take to achieve a goal.…

Slow is Smooth. Smooth is Fast.

This statement comes from military and police parlance and usually indicates a focus on mobility and dexterity in operations. Combat and conflict often center on mobility. If you move too fast, you can be outflanked. If you move too slow, you can be pinned down. The best course may be a cautious, thoughtful understanding of planned moves.…

Control Your Controllables

In his studies on flow, Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi presented insight into this highly focused mental state and tranquility. We have all experienced times when instead of being buffeted by anonymous forces, we [feel] in control of our actions, masters of our own fate. On the rare occasions that it happens, we feel a sense of exhilaration, a deep sense…

The First Principles of Being Digitally Literate

First principles thinking is the act of boiling a process down to the fundamental parts that you know are true and building up from there. Learning, developing, and planning from a set of first principles is an effective strategy that you can employ to break down complicated problems and generate original solutions. Great thinkers throughout time have…

The three types of web pages you’ll find online

It can sometimes be a challenge to know what information and sources you can trust as you read online…and which ones you cannot. Successful online readers need to contemporaneously evaluate truth, relevance, quality, impact, and claims made while evaluating the usefulness of the information they find. They need to quickly search and sift through multiple…

Sincerity and Truth in Labeling of Online Information

As we encounter information online, one of the key challenges is our ability to critically evaluate and judge the credibility and relevance of the information we find. Credibility can be simplified as whether or not the information is “truthful” in presentation and content. Relevance can be a judgment about whether or not the information presented…