Posts tagged "digital media"


This is the first post we shared about the #WalkMyWorld Project. To review the full project website, click here. I’d like to invite you all in to a challenge that I’ve help develop with an awesome group of researchers. In this challenge, we will explore the use of digital texts and tools as a means…

Poetry, Digital Media, and Mobile Phones

In a series of blog posts, brothers Ian O’Byrne, a researcher at the New Literacies Research Lab, and Scott Myers, English teacher and Department Head at a high school in the Philadelphia metropolitan area, share their thoughts on issues of the thoughtful integration of the Internet and other communication technologies into classrooms. I have been…

Raising a Digital Native

In recent months I’ve been particularly intrigued by early literacy practices and how these are affected by ICTs, especially by some of our youngest learners. I’m the proud father of a six month old, and I’ve had the privilege of watching him interact with the signs, symbols and systems that make up the connections and communication systems…