I share a lot of content on my YouTube channel.
This includes quick tips, tricks, interviews, and insights. Review the videos below, or click through directly to my channel.
Defining Instructional Text: Eight Literacy Scholars Discuss Framing and Trade-Offs
Policy & Advocacy in South Carolina
Literacy Behind Bars: Addressing Incarcerated Youth's Literacy Needs
Poetry Partnership Spaces in a Pandemic and Post-Pandemic World
Tome - AI powered slidedeck creation tool example
The Power of Parallel Reading
Webinar: Using Curiosity to Write in Science
Transdisciplinarity as a Gateway to Critical Literacy
CSPD Week 2022 - Infusing Computing Day Two - Abstraction
Tensions and Supports Between Culturally Responsive-Sustaining Pedagogy and Disciplinary Literacy
Providing Access to Content Area Learning for Students with Disabilities
But I Want to Teach What I'm Really Teaching: Supporting Literacy and Content-Area Learning