Searched for "portfolios"

Digital portfolios

An electronic portfolio is also known as an eportfolio, e-portfolio, digital portfolio, or an online portfolio. In this post, we’ll refer to it as primarily a digital portfolio which are digitized collection of artifacts, demonstrations, resources, and accomplishments that have been collected and curated by an individual. What is a digital portfolio? Digital portfolios are personalized, active,…

Trust, But Verify

This post in Aeon magazine by Gloria Origgi, an Italian philosopher and a tenured senior researcher at CNRS suggests that we’re no longer in the information age, we should now be focused on reputation. This is an interesting glimpse into opportunities to use technology to provide insight and verification into claims made online. From the…

Too Long; Didn’t Read #175

Finding the sweet spot TL;DR #175 – 11/23/2018 Hey all, welcome to TL;DR. Each week I synthesize the news of the week that I think you need to know in education, tech, & literacy. This week I was involved in the following: Digital Literacies and the Skinner Box – As I dig in to Behaviorism…

What is IndieWeb & why should you care?

If you’re a regular reader of this blog and my social feeds, you’ve noticed the topic of the “IndieWeb” showing up quite a bit. Chris Aldrich has an excellent post defining the IndieWeb that I recommend you checking out if you really want to understand what this all means. Aldrich indicates: In broadest terms I…

Interviewing my digital domains

Alan Levine recently posted a series of questions to help others think through some of thoughts and motivations as we develop and maintain a domain of our own. I’ve written a lot about this in the past, and I’ll try to include some links to content/posts as I respond to the prompts. This is a…