Posts in "CURATE"

The Art of Serial Focusing: Mastering One Thing at a Time

In an era where multitasking is often hailed as a superpower, it’s easy to fall into the trap of believing that juggling multiple tasks simultaneously equates to productivity. However, research has repeatedly shown that multitasking can actually decrease productivity and increase stress levels. Enter the art of serial focusing, a powerful alternative that encourages focusing…

The Scientific Method and Doing Research

Many people have misconceptions about what it means to “do research” and employ the scientific method. Some view researching a topic as simply gathering facts that support their existing beliefs. They don’t want to be proven wrong, so they only look for evidence that confirms what they already think is true. The true essence of…

Unpacking Economic Inequality, Market-Driven Education, and Privatization: Implications for Ethical Media Consumption

In an era of misinformation and polarization, developing strong information and media literacy skills has become imperative. These skills allow us to critically analyze content, evaluate sources, and make informed choices about how we consume and engage with media. As educators explore ways to improve media literacy education, examining the intersections with broader socio-economic factors…

Integrating AI in K-12 Education: Navigating Ongoing Debate

As artificial intelligence (AI) progressively makes its way into the classroom, finding the right equilibrium will be crucial. The topic of implementing artificial intelligence (AI) in K–12 education is a multifaceted issue that continues to provoke ongoing debate. While AI technologies present exciting possibilities for improving learning, concerns about the moral implications, student privacy, and…

Education’s Essential Role in the AI Revolution

The urgency to balance the potential of AI with its inherent risks is evident. Together with Laura Hilliger and Thomas Salmon, I was asked to provide feedback on an AI positioning paper that will be presented at the 18th annual Internet Governance Forum of the United Nations in October 2023. The position statement is titled “Higher education’s…

Making Sense of ChatGPT and GPT-3

What do you think of ChatGPT? One of the common conversations I’ve had over the last two months involves ChatGPT and the impact it has on our lives, and potentially our classrooms. Have no doubt, things are definitely different. I’m really excited and curious about ChatGPT. But, I’m more interested in the technology behind it.…