Posts tagged "critical literacy"

IT&DML Syllabus for Critical Literacy Praxis

This post is part of a series of 11 posts in which we’re sharing the syllabi for all 11 courses in the Instructional Technology and Digital Media Literacy (IT&DML) program. Please keep in mind the materials we’re sharing here are the documents and specifics as approved when we initially launched the program. The “real” implementation of these…

Empowering Students in the Reader/Writer Nature of the Web #teachtheweb

TL;DR version: By employing a critical literacy perspective to “making” and Connected Learning, teachers and students can engage in activism & cyberactivism for the purposes of understanding and critiquing societal issues. In the second week of the Mozilla #teachtheweb MOOC we have been asked to consider Connected Learning in practice. The three principles of Connected Learning state…

Inquiry and the Learning Process

This past week I had the opportunity to sit in on a guest panel for the talk by Chris Lehman on the role of inquiry and technology in teaching and learning. Chris Lehman is the founding Principal of the Science Leadership Academy in Philadelphia, PA. The talk started with Chris sharing many of the ideas…

Facilitating Critical Evaluation Skills through Content Creation: Empowering Adolescents as Readers and Writers of Online Information

The final title of my dissertation is: Facilitating Critical Evaluation Skills through Content Creation: Empowering Adolescents as Readers and Writers of Online Information  The dissertation was successfully defended at 2 PM on August 31st, 2012…at 2 PM. I embedded the final materials as well as the proposal below for those of you that are interested. Abstract…

Storify and Curiosity

I’ve been meaning to test out Storify for some time now. I finally took the time to sign up two days ago, feel free to check me out here. Storify will pull info from various social network feeds and compile a “story” from all of this. I also plugged Storify up to my account on IFTTT so all…