Posts tagged "domain of one’s own"

Interviewing my digital domains

Alan Levine recently posted a series of questions to help others think through some of thoughts and motivations as we develop and maintain a domain of our own. I’ve written a lot about this in the past, and I’ll try to include some links to content/posts as I respond to the prompts. This is a…

A Domain of WithKnown

TL;DR Version: I’m launching a new section of this website using withknown at where I’ll be sharing curated content, and commentary. Read more about the genesis of this below. I’ll discuss how I made this happen, and iterations over time in upcoming posts. I’ve been increasingly drawn to the notion of the #indieweb movement.…

I Blog…therefore I am…

As we search and sift while reading online we’re confronted by an endless torrent of text, hypertext, and multimodal content. As technology progresses, this information source ebbs and flows, but for the most part we’re witnessing the evolution of what will become a steady stream of content that we use to read, write, and communicate.…