Posts tagged "online content construction"

Student Responsibilities and Educational Technologies

After the completion of the MA New Literacies Institute, I spent a good amount of time reflecting of the week of work. I considered the implications of the work we’ve conducted so far in trumpeting the need for authentic and effective use of technology in the classroom. I considered my own responsibilities and the responsibilities of teachers as these technologies are (could be)…

Storify and Curiosity

I’ve been meaning to test out Storify for some time now. I finally took the time to sign up two days ago, feel free to check me out here. Storify will pull info from various social network feeds and compile a “story” from all of this. I also plugged Storify up to my account on IFTTT so all…

iPads and our work in the Education Department

We’ve had iPads here in the Education Department for a little over a month now. The University and the College of Arts and Sciences graciously agreed to supply the tools to everyone for administrative and instructional use. Now that we’ve gotten over the initial distribution, I’d like to share some of what we’ve learned so…

I Blog…therefore I am…

As we search and sift while reading online we’re confronted by an endless torrent of text, hypertext, and multimodal content. As technology progresses, this information source ebbs and flows, but for the most part we’re witnessing the evolution of what will become a steady stream of content that we use to read, write, and communicate.…

Poetry, Digital Media, and Mobile Phones

In a series of blog posts, brothers Ian O’Byrne, a researcher at the New Literacies Research Lab, and Scott Myers, English teacher and Department Head at a high school in the Philadelphia metropolitan area, share their thoughts on issues of the thoughtful integration of the Internet and other communication technologies into classrooms. I have been…