In this digital era where screens are almost inevitable in our everyday lives, finding a balance between enjoying them and not overdoing them can be challenging. This post promises to guide you towards a healthier relationship with your screens. We will delve into simple definitions, provide examples, and give step-by-step guidelines for striking this balance.…
Posts tagged "screentime"
The Flaw in Our Screentime Considerations
The concept of screen time has always been controversial, with studies and experts often providing contradictory advice about the ideal amount of time we should spend in front of screens. The traditional approach to understanding screen time often considers it a single, unified entity – as if all screen time was created equal. However, this…
Talking to youth about privacy, security, & digital spaces
As a member of the Screentime Research Group, I’m often asked about how to talk about some of these concepts with youth. These questions usually center on “at what age should I…” or “how do I talk about…” when it comes to parenting in a digital age. As an example, I recently received this question,…