<span class='p-name'>Too Long; Didn’t Read #155</span>

Too Long; Didn’t Read #155

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Seeing the human condition
TL;DR #155 – 6/22/2018


I received a couple of great emails this week that pushed my thinking. Steve McCrea sent along a video and a couple posts I started writing about on my breadcrumbs site. I also received a lot of feedback from Nate Green that I think will end up soon in a blog post or future publication. Green sent me a great along his Twitter list of people & groups that are critical of technology & social media. I’m going to clean up my Twitter list soon, and this helps.

This week I posted the following:


The blind skater who lost his vision, but not his passion. (5:05)

What happens when you have a passion, but your body gives out? What happens to your passion?

Imagine that one day, at a young age, you’re told that something was wrong with your vision. Like a race against time, each day your vision deteriorates a little bit more until one day you wake up and, like that, your sight is gone. An inspiring look at Dan Mancina, a skateboarder from just outside of Detroit.


Distinguishing Between Factual and Opinion Statements in the News

A new poll by the Pew Research Center suggests people are having difficulty telling the difference between fact and opinion.

Pew Director of Journalism Research Amy Mitchell said the study “raises caution” around news consumers’ ability “to sort news quickly.”

“At this point, the U.S. does not seem to have become completely detached from what is factual and what is not. But with the vast majority of Americans getting at least some news online, the gaps in ability across population groups to sort news quickly and correctly raises caution,” said Mitchell.

The Biology of Disinformation: Interview with Rushkoff, Pescovitz, and Dunagan

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Douglas Rushkoff, Jake Dunagan, and David Pescovitz all wrote a research paper titled “The Biology of Disinformation” (PDF available here). The paper is about about how media viruses, bots & computational propaganda have redefined how information is weaponized for propaganda campaigns. While technological solutions may seem like the most practical and effective remedy, fortifying social relationships that define human communication may be the best way to combat “ideological warfare” that is designed to push us toward isolation.

You might also enjoy this interview with the three of them by Mondo 2000.

Are you guilty of “orbiting”?

Orbiting is a “strategic way to prevent the door from shutting completely on a former relationship.” It’s that person that leaves your offline life, but follows you (or continues to follow you) online. They maintain their distance, but leave little clues to let you know they’re watching. This could be going back in time and liking your posts to keep you guessing.

I have not heard this term before…but I like it. The post explains many of the psychological and sociological challenges to the orbited…as well as the orbiter.

The Power of Being Seen

How well do you know…and see…the people around you? This could be students in classes, colleagues at work, or your next door neighbor?

After being cautioned by one of my colleagues about the challenges of “high tech” losing “high touch” I now end some of my keynotes and classes by having individuals look each other in the eye and say “I see you.” They all laugh, and it’s awkward, but it’s a reminder of how much we don’t look at each other in the offline spaces.

In our schools, this is a big key to social emotional learning. It also helps keep kids in school, and make connections that help students at risk.

Here are the 14 habits of highly miserable people

Cloe Madanes gives us some advice at how to succeed at self-sabotage (or, really, how to avoid it). She describes each habit, and provides an exercise to help you kick the habit.

  1. Be afraid, be very afraid of economic loss
  2. Practice sustained boredom
  3. Give yourself a negative identity
  4. Pick fights
  5. Attribute bad intentions
  6. Whatever you do, do it only for personal gain
  7. Avoid gratitude
  8. Always be alert and in a state of anxiety
  9. Blame your parents
  10. Don’t enjoy life’s pleasures
  11. Ruminate
  12. Glorify or vilify the past
  13. Find a romantic partner to reform
  14. Be critical

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The importance of rest, relaxation, and rejuvenation for long-term growth

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This post on “19 of the ‘top highlighted ideas’ from millions of readers” made the rounds through my social feed this week.

I think the best response came in this post from George Couros as reflects on balance and the struggle between work and self-improvement.

He closes with this image and quote:



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The change thence to the sight here, and to the subtle air breathed by beings like us who walk this sphere, The change onward from ours to that of beings who walk other spheres.

Walt Whitman

Read more here at Brain Pickings.

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TL;DR is a summary of all the great stuff from the Internet this week in technology, education, & literacy. Please subscribe to make sure this comes to your inbox each week. You can review archives of the newsletter here.

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