This is the fourth project update for my project “Digitally Literate Courses” as part of the One Side Project challenge. In my first update, I identified the focus and goals of this work. In my second update, I discussed some of my thinking about the pricing plan of the courses. In my third update I discussed reviving my mission and focus. In this latest post I will discuss the deliverables that will be included in the courses.
Detailing project deliverables
In the second project update, I detailed a series of pricing structures that might work for this project. I recently realized that I was going about this all wrong. Thanks to my critical friend in this work, I was introduced to the Amy Porterfield podcasts. In the latest string of episodes, she has been discussing the habits, tips, and tricks needed to build up a profitable course.
Episode 107 of the podcast is focused on how to price my online course. This content is obviously sent from the heavens to help me in my time of need. 🙂 In this episode, Amy identifies a series of questions to answer before even thinking about a pricing plan and structure. These responses provide some structure to the ultimate structure of the deliverables in the project. In the remainder of this post, I will identify the questions and my responses to these questions.
Once again, I’m writing and sharing this in public on these posts as a means to document my thinking over time. Please be advised that there are a lot of questions…and responses listed below. I’d love to receive feedback on any and all of these decisions as I make them. Please feel free to push back, and identify possible alternatives.
Without further ado, let’s provide more structure to the product offer.
What is the problem we’re solving?
Educators and instructors from Pre-K up through higher education need guidance and coaching in literacy, technology, and pedagogy. In this initiative, we will assemble the materials and support to help build these critical habits and processes.
What are the results we’re promising?
We are promising that this guidance will help individuals build the confidence and habits needed to be a more effective, productive educator in current and future learning environments.
In the current state, educators from Pre-K up through higher education are expected to be experts in literacy, technology, and pedagogy. Many times this expectation is made without providing the guidance, or support systems to help the individual succeed. If the educator is not successful, evaluations and yearly reviews reflect any issues. The educator is forced to build up these skills and attitudes on their own as they blindly search, skim, and scan the online space to identify best principles to bring into their practice.
There is a wealth of incredible materials freely available online. Part of the challenge is that this searching and sifting can be quite time consuming, and require evaluation of the validity/relevance of sources. Finally, even with the wealth of these resources online, there is a need for coaching and critical feedback to scaffold learners as they progress.
How long will it take for students to achieve these results?
These results will recognizable almost immediately as learners begin interacting and creating content. Course and program content will be designed to empower educators to immediately bring these concepts into their work through a process that includes creating, testing, and reflecting on lessons learned.
What sort of access will learners have with instructors?
There will be a private learning community set up for each of the courses, as well as a general area for universal questions for the project. Instructors will regularly (weekly, biweekly, or monthly) hold live “ask me anything” sessions in which they answer any and all questions from learners. We will also have staff monitoring the learning environments to support individuals.
How do we work?
Instructors will routinely join in on each other’s courses and support materials. Learners will complete work and openly post materials online through their websites constructed in the program. Learners will also complete workbooks and checklists to track learning over time. Finally, learners will communicate, collaborate, and obtain critical feedback from peers in the private learning community.
How many courses are available in the program?
At this point there will be an initial application process that will consist of 1 to 2 hours of work to identify the needs of the learner and their goals in the process. This will be followed by nine to ten courses that we will build out over the coming years. The first course will identify the elements necessary to be literate in digital spaces. Future posts will detail the full course list, but we need to get the first parts up and running.
How many modules in each course?
There will be four to six modules per course. Each module will exist within a structure that includes sections on outcomes, projects, concepts, a discuss area, and finally resources to support further learning.
How many bonuses?
With enrollment in the courses, learners will have access to a regular schedule of bonus content. This will consist of webinars, special interviews and content focusing on literacy, productivity, and guidance for learners as they proceed throughout their career. The plan is to provide at least one bonus per quarter and then work up to whatever the learners need.
How long will it take to complete?
Learners will work their way through a sequence of modules within individual courses. Each course will include four to six modules. The current expectation for each course will require that learners spend five hours per week working on content for each module. This will include reviewing course materials, synthesizing, and completing work. This will most likely change as we map out individual course content. The plan is to have 10 modules across the program when it is complete in a couple of years.
Do they have lifetime access?
Yes, learners have lifetime access to course content. Course and program content will iterate over time. The pricing structure may change. Whatever changes may happen, learners will always have access to all course content.
Is there a refund policy?
Yes, there will be a refund policy for each course and the entire program. We still have to iron out the specifics, but I’m leaning toward a 100% refund policy within the first 60 days provided you complete the materials and show proof of work. Basically, we believe in these materials. If they don’t work for you, we’d like you to complete them first and then we’ll refund everything.
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