Searched for "digital badges"

Value, Cognitive Authority, and Digital Badges

TL;DR version: Drawing on work from critical evaluation and new literacies theory and research I posit the challenges and design opportunities that arise while considering cognitive authority and where you host your badges when developing your open badge initiative. Warning…what follows is somewhat theoretical…and bit academic. 😉 I’ve been detailing the development of our own open…

Make With Me – Digital Badges

As part of the Connected Learning MOOC, I wanted to share some of what I’ve learned about digital badges. Most of this learning has been documented here on my blog. I also pieced together a MindMap on Coggle to help me think through this framework. The goal of this blog post is to provide a…

Interviewing my digital domains

Alan Levine recently posted a series of questions to help others think through some of thoughts and motivations as we develop and maintain a domain of our own. I’ve written a lot about this in the past, and I’ll try to include some links to content/posts as I respond to the prompts. This is a…

Your Digital Identity as an Educator #ORMSMOOC #ed6671

Welcome to week twelve of the Online Research and Media Skills (ORMS) Mentored Open Online Community (MOOC). The ORMS MOOC has existed in different iterations over the last two years. This current version is developed as an open learning experience for students in ED 6671 (syllabus here). ED 6671 examines opportunities for the use of instructional technologies in…