Searched for "podcast"

Soundcloud and Audio Podcasts

Just finished a tutorial for a session on audio podcasts and Soundcloud in the classroom. The session will happen next week as one of the Digital Texts and Tools sessions at our MA New Literacies Institute. The idea behind the session, and the use of the tool came from discussions Greg McVerry, Sue Ringler-Pet and…

The Evolving Digital Commonplace Book

In an earlier post, I discussed some of the key challenges and opportunities of creating a digital commonplace book in our age of information overload. While I work to improve my own method for gathering, classifying, and accessing pertinent information, some further ideas have come to mind. In this post, I’ll discuss some of the…

Bridging the Divide Between Code and Conscience: Navigating the Intersection of Algorithms and Ethics

In a previous blog post, I shared my involvement in a collaborative research endeavor with Doug Belshaw and Laura Hilliger. Our collective aim revolves around delving into the realms of theory and practical applications to shape the landscape of media and information literacy for the future. In recent weeks, I’ve been engrossed in an immersive process of…

Sharpening the Saw of the Knowledge Worker

My information processing workflow stinks. Let me elaborate a bit. I am a high throughput information worker. Peter Drucker originally articulated the idea of a “knowledge worker” in 1959, he was proposing a classification with the primary goal of describing the work of people who applied knowledge directly and in a unique way, to the…

Developing a Culture of Inquiry

This week I’m presenting a workshop focused on reading and supporting students as they interact in classes. Do you ever wonder how or if students read the 200-300 pages of materials assigned a week across all their classes? Why do students have difficulty answering questions about course reading, even if they’ve read the materials? This…