Searched for "digital badges"

Be the Documentarian of Your Life

The chief trick to making good mistakes is not to hide them — especially not from yourself. Daniel Dennett In Dennett’s book, Intuition Pumps and Other Tools for Thinking, he suggests that we need to build up our cognitive toolkit to help solve wicked problems. He expands on this in this interview in Brain Pickings.…

Come Badge With Me

Digital badges provide great opportunities to recognize, assess, and motivate learners in and/or out of traditional learning contexts. Digital badges are web-enabled tokens of accomplishment that contain specific claims and evidence about learning and achievement along with detailed evidence supporting those claims. Badges traditionally consist of an image and relevant metadata (e.g., badge name, description,…

What is IndieWeb & why should you care?

If you’re a regular reader of this blog and my social feeds, you’ve noticed the topic of the “IndieWeb” showing up quite a bit. Chris Aldrich has an excellent post defining the IndieWeb that I recommend you checking out if you really want to understand what this all means. Aldrich indicates: In broadest terms I…

Viewing your life as a project

One helpful focus that I’ve found in Stoic philosophies is the opportunity to consider our lives as an ongoing project. This includes a regular journey of ethical self-development. I first started this journey as I had just graduated from college. My Aunt and Uncle indicated that I had a job and was single with no…

Zainab Oni

This post is intended to provide an overview of information about digital badges and possibilities in teaching and learning. This post is a supplemental piece meant to accompany the column printed in the Journal of Adult and Adolescent Literacy. You can find out more about the column and subsequent interviews in coming weeks. More about…

Denouement – Learning Event Ten #WalkMyWorld 2015

Welcome all to Learning Event Ten in the #WalkMyWorld Project. For the full write-up on this tenth learning event, please click here. This blog post will share the information presented in the original post on the #WalkMyWorld Project website, but add a bit of extra information and guidance. Curating your story and digital identity This final learning…