Posts tagged "algorithms"

The Dangers of Unchecked Algorithms – A Review of Weapons of Math Destruction

In her insightful book Weapons of Math Destruction, mathematician and data scientist Cathy O’Neil exposes how algorithms and big data can perpetuate inequality and erode democracy. As algorithms increasingly run our lives, this is an important book for understanding their unintended consequences. Weapons of Math Destruction explores how algorithms are being used to make important…

Making Sense of ChatGPT and GPT-3

What do you think of ChatGPT? One of the common conversations I’ve had over the last two months involves ChatGPT and the impact it has on our lives, and potentially our classrooms. Have no doubt, things are definitely different. I’m really excited and curious about ChatGPT. But, I’m more interested in the technology behind it.…

Digital Literacies and the Skinner Box

If you recognize the name B.F. Skinner, you most likely associate him with behaviorism, a theoretical perspective that focuses on human behaviors a primarily responses to stimuli. This approach assumes that all behaviors are responses to stimuli from the outside world, either rewards or punishment.  This system of rewards and/or punishment is known as operant…