Posts tagged "gpt-3"

Watching AI Virtual Assistants Grow Up

As we witness artificial intelligence (AI) virtual assistants capture the imagination and ire of most in society, it’s important to understand that we’re in the middle of the story. To a certain extent, AI, at least in the form of virtual assistants, or machine learning models is evolving. A recent example is found in wearable…

Moving From Search to Answers With Bing and ChatGPT

This week, Microsoft made an announcement that they’ve extended their partnership with OpenAI, the company behind ChatGPT and GPT-3. As I’ve indicated in a previous post, I’m less interested in ChatGPT, and more interested in the technology and advances behind these tools. As part of this third extension of the partnership with OpenAI, Microsoft is…

Making Sense of ChatGPT and GPT-3

What do you think of ChatGPT? One of the common conversations I’ve had over the last two months involves ChatGPT and the impact it has on our lives, and potentially our classrooms. Have no doubt, things are definitely different. I’m really excited and curious about ChatGPT. But, I’m more interested in the technology behind it.…