Posts tagged "machine learning"

Experiential Learning and AI: Redefining Education Through Immersive Experiences

As the tides of technological change sweep through industries, education stands at an inflection point. Increasingly, some educators are exploring how artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) could revolutionize the way we learn and process information. But what if we could couple these advanced technologies with the proven power of experiential learning? This tantalizing…

The Case for Running AI/ML Models Locally

Most importantly, I want to learn. I like trying to stay one step ahead of the field and make this understandable for others. With machine learning (ML) and AI, it’s a bit easier than many other areas I’ve studied. This is because I can use AI tools to help me understand and troubleshoot my work.…

Extending the Attribution of Consciousness to AI

As artificial intelligence (AI) technologies continue to advance rapidly, we are approaching a point where we may need to reconsider what it means for something to be conscious or have a mind. Recent large language models (LLMs) like ChatGPT are able to generate remarkably human-like text, respond intelligently to questions, and even reflect on their…

Integrating AI in K-12 Education: Navigating Ongoing Debate

As artificial intelligence (AI) progressively makes its way into the classroom, finding the right equilibrium will be crucial. The topic of implementing artificial intelligence (AI) in K–12 education is a multifaceted issue that continues to provoke ongoing debate. While AI technologies present exciting possibilities for improving learning, concerns about the moral implications, student privacy, and…

Finding the Perfect Match: A Guide to Testing Different AI and LLM Models for Your Dataset and Purpose

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Language Model (LLM) technologies have revolutionized numerous industries, from natural language processing to computer vision. However, with the myriad of AI and LLM models available today, choosing the best one for your specific dataset and purpose can be a daunting task. As detailed earlier, we’re using AI generative technologies to identify…

Watching AI Virtual Assistants Grow Up

As we witness artificial intelligence (AI) virtual assistants capture the imagination and ire of most in society, it’s important to understand that we’re in the middle of the story. To a certain extent, AI, at least in the form of virtual assistants, or machine learning models is evolving. A recent example is found in wearable…

Making Sense of ChatGPT and GPT-3

What do you think of ChatGPT? One of the common conversations I’ve had over the last two months involves ChatGPT and the impact it has on our lives, and potentially our classrooms. Have no doubt, things are definitely different. I’m really excited and curious about ChatGPT. But, I’m more interested in the technology behind it.…