Thinking of better than this
TL;DR #166 – 9/22/2018
TL;DR is a weekly look at the news in technology, education, and literacy. I’m seeking to keep you on top of the news so you can be the expert.
This week I published the following:
Digitally Native Scholarship – I’m working on a manuscript with some colleagues to define/describe this area. Please take a look and send me feedback on how we’ve framed this area as we continue to finalize the manuscript.
Exploring Temporal Patterns – I finished my first MOOC!!! It focused on social media analytics. In this post I discuss why I took the time to do this…and show the start of my learning.
The fixers using recycled laptop batteries to power their homes (11:07)
As I’ve stated many times before, my family watches a ton of YouTube. In fact…we’re thinking about “cutting the cord” soon. More on that later…
I love YouTube because there are times that we’re inspired to undertake a new project. This video from the Motherboard channel is to blame for us taking a deep dive this week looking at solar power, vehicles, and sustainability.
Alternative Influence – Broadcasting the Reactionary Right on YouTube
Rebecca Lewis in an important Data & Society research report that looks at how YouTube is being used to “sell” political ideology to audiences.
This is part of a larger phenomenon, in which YouTubers attempt to reach young audiences by broadcasting far-right ideas in the form of news and entertainment. An assortment of scholars, media pundits, and internet celebrities are using YouTube to promote a range of political positions, from mainstream versions of libertarianism and conservatism, all the way to overt white nationalism.
‘Post-Truth’ and the Decline of Swedish Education
Magnus Henrekson and Johan Wennström with an overview of a recent study “‘Post-Truth’ Schooling and Marketized Education: Explaining the Decline in Sweden’s School Quality.” Full copy of study available here.
The Swedish school system suffers from profound problems with teacher recruitment and retention, knowledge decline, and grade inflation. The researchers suggest that these problems regarding school quality are to no small extent a result of the Swedish school system’s unlikely combination of a postmodern view of truth and knowledge, the ensuing pedagogy of child-centered discovery, and market principles.
On Death Threats and the Life I Lead…
Pernelle Ripp is a wonderful author and educator. I frequently highlight her work here in TL;DR.
In this post she highlights some recent death threats she has received on her blog. Please be advised that there is offensive language in the post…the threats from her attacker.
I’m talking through this with my students this week in classes…and will have a blog post soon on the topic.
Facebook expands fake election news fight, but falsehoods still rampant
Here in the U.S., we’re gearing up for the “mid-term elections.” We talked quite a bit about how social media and digital spaces have some responsibility to bear for the political unrest in elections around the globe over the past decade.
Facebook has built a war room to organize their preparations and monitoring of the network leading up to the elections. My initial thought is that Facebook can not be trusted to protect free speech or ensure transparency in their actions. I think education, advocacy, and empowerment is needed. But…I guess we’ll see.
Staying safe when you say #MeToo
This post from the ACLU is directed at activists who might be involved in the #MeToo movement. I’ve been revising my posts and information focused on privacy & security online. Most of this guidance indicates that this is stuff that is for “people that have reason to have privacy concerns.” This is usually identified as journalists, politicians, activists.
As detailed by the post above about Pernelle Ripp, this information is for everyone.
Take a scan through the recommendations from the ACLU on this page:
- Secure your accounts and devices
- Start by using unique passwords everywhere
- Be alert for phishing
- Take it up a notch with two-factor authentication
- Stay patched
- Scrub your public information
Video: Warren Buffet’s 5/25 rule will help you focus on the things that matter
I’ve looking at different models to help you focus on your priorities as you identify future goals. Most of these are a challenge and don’t help you think through how this works in your life. This video has been the most straightforward.
List the top 25 goals you’d like to achieve. The top five you focus on…the remaining 20 you avoid at all costs. This helps you deal with issues of selective focus…and saying yes to everything.
Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile, but sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy.
Thich Nhat Hanh
TL;DR is a summary of all the great stuff from the Internet this week in technology, education, & literacy. Please subscribe to make sure this comes to your inbox each week. You can review archives of the newsletter here.
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