TL;DR version: The ORMS class is an open, online class which provides educators with an understanding of a research-tested way to embed new literacies in the CCSS. To take the course, please click here.
It’s finally complete. I finished my first “MOOC.” In the traditional sense it is not a MOOC as currently understood in the community. It’s definitely not “massive.” It is open, it is online, it is an educational resource. It is meant to be more of a “community” than a “classroom.” I think it is of tremendous value to educators trying to authentically and effectively use technology in the classroom, while attending to CCSS. I view the Online Research and Media Skills (ORMS) model class as being a resource that I “hacked” together that is openly available online for teachers to use as they see fit.
The ORMS class is available here. The class consists of four modules that highlight the three cornerstones of the ORMS model that I have been developing with Greg McVerry. The three cornerstones are: Online Collaborative Inquiry, Online Reading Comprehension, and Online Content Construction. The three cornerstones in many ways reflect the three strands of the Mozilla Web Literacy standards that are currently being built: Exploring, Building, and Connecting. I see direct parallels with Online Collaborative Inquiry (Connecting), Online Reading Comprehension (Exploring), and Online Content Construction (Building). There are also many more skills and competencies that included in the Web Literacy standards…but the ORMS model will hopefully get there one day.
Each module contains readings from websites that are openly available online. Each module also includes a PPT in Google Presenter and a screencast lecture of the PPT. The modules also include YouTube videos of online resources that will assist the learner as she or he work through the materials. The modules also include pre-assessments built in Google Forms meant to guide the learner before starting off the activities of the module.
The entire ORMS class is built in Google Sites, and utilizes as many Google Apps as possible. The class also is connected to a Google+ Community that was developed to offer a place for educators to connect and chat about some of the ideas presented in the course. The course will continue to be tweaked and edited while it is online. Edits and revisions will be posted on the course. I received the motivation and guidance to build this course from colleagues in the Mozilla TeachTheWeb MOOC, and the “Using Google Apps as a Free LMS” Community on Google+. If you would like to build a resource like this for your students…please do join these communities. Finally, the template for the course was provided by Kyle Denlinger. Without all of their support…this open educational resource would not be available.
Image CC by opensourceway
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