The Internet gives us opportunities to quickly share our work with a global audience. These new possibilities can help communicate our work with an audience that previously may have never considered your work in the past. This is especially important as the primary information source for many individuals is the Internet, especially social networking spaces. …
Posts tagged "open education"
Three Stages to Become a Digitally Agile Researcher
Recently I’ve written about the three steps to become a digitally agile educator. I also guest hosted a Twitter chat on the topic. As I’ve written and shared this work, I’m often asked about the steps necessary for researchers in these spaces. I previously wrote about three reasons why you should become a digitally agile…
A grant proposal for the ELATED (English Language Arts & Technology in Education) Project
This post shares our submitted materials for an Improving Teacher Quality Higher Education Grant available from the South Carolina Commission on Higher Education (CHE). The funding opportunity announcement (FOA) for this is available here. The full proposal was submitted on September 29th, 2016, and was defended in person at the SC CHE offices on Friday, October…
Why in the world would you want to develop a Massive Open, Online Course (MOOC)?
This post will contain the presentation materials and supplemental links for my session titled “Why in the world would you want to develop a MOOC – Teaching and Learning in Open, Online, Educational Spaces.” This talk was held at the Addlestone Library at the College of Charleston. In this session I’ll discuss my thinking and…
Using Blogs (and Medium) to Create a Fishbowl Discussion for Project Planning
I’ve been increasingly interested in possibilities to conduct my work and research openly online. Up to this point, most of this has been conducted for the #WalkMyWorld Project. In this post I discuss the possibilities for using your personal blogs, and Medium to create a fishbowl discussion for use in project and research planning. A…
The Challenge of Open, Online Scholarship in Academia
TL;DR Version: An identification of recent trends in the discussion about open publishing/open scholarship concluding with possible steps to respect the culture/tradition of academia while accounting for changes in literacy and technology. Every year we hear a clarion call asking academics (e.g., researchers, scholars, professors) to maintain more of a public presence. In this I…
Moving Toward Transparency in Higher Education
Transparency has rarely been the hallmark of business and governments – just ask former Enron, Lehman Brothers, or Countrywide Financial executives; ask President Nixon or Edward Snowden. Neither, it seems, has it been a defining characteristic within higher education. Beyond the publication of faculty salaries at public institutions, most of the sacred aspects of academia…
Four Questions for Cable Green About Teaching, Learning, and Sharing Openly Online
Our column on teaching, learning, and sharing openly online was just published in JAAL. I co-wrote the column with Verena Roberts, Randy LaBonte, and Lee Graham. In this column we share the challenges and opportunities associated with open, open educational resources, and open learning. As a supplement to the column, we invited in a series of…
Teaching, Learning, and Sharing Openly Online
Last week my second of four columns as Multiliteracies Department Editor for JAAL was published. The column, titled Teaching, Learning, and Sharing Openly Online discusses the challenges and opportunities as educators and students teach and learn openly online. Open learning is becoming a critical focus for K-12 technology-supported programs, both those strictly online as well as blended classroom…
Four Questions for Don Wettrick About Teaching, Learning, & Sharing Openly Online
Our column on teaching, learning, and sharing openly online was just published in JAAL. I co-wrote the column with Verena Roberts, Randy LaBonte, and Lee Graham. In this case we share the challenges and opportunities associated with open, open educational resources, and open learning. As a supplement to the column, we invited in a series…