<span class='p-name'>Innovation & Execution</span>

Innovation & Execution

Ideas without action are worthless.

Helen Keller

In the development of new ideas, innovation and other acts of entrepreneurship, our days are often filled with a glut of ideas. This includes interacting and mingling with others that bring ideas to our attention.

In many spaces, these ideas are incredible and lead to new ideas and opportunities. Most times these ideas lead to a time suck that takes us away from our true goals and aspirations.

In my own work, I’m typically an ideas person. I come up with (possibly) too many ideas. My brain is always churning and trying to find new ways to hack the system and make it operate better.

I also try to execute on these ideas. Without execution, I think there is no value in identifying and thinking up ideas. It’s all talk and blather.

My challenge is that I like to follow through on ideas as well. My reputation is important to me, and I want to be viewed as someone that thinks up ideas, innovate, executes, and follows through. I don’t want to drop the ball on anything.

The challenge in this desire to follow through is that you need to identify objectives and goals on a granular scale. You also need to focus on being an ideas leader and not tied in to being a manager. Finally, there is a need to know when and how to kill things off and move on.

The first step is making sure that you allow your ideas to gel, and execute on these when they become actionable.

Photo by Skye Studios on Unsplash

This post is Day 34 of my #100DaysToOffload challenge. Want to get involved? Find out more at 100daystooffload.com.

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