<span class='p-name'>Share Your Totem in #WalkMyWorld Learning Event Five</span>

Share Your Totem in #WalkMyWorld Learning Event Five

Welcome all to Learning Event Five in the #WalkMyWorld Project. For the full write-up on this fifth learning event, please click here. This blog post will share the information presented in the original post on the #WalkMyWorld Project website, but add a bit of extra information and guidance.

Where do you call home?

Over the past couple of weeks in the project, we’ve asked you to share your front door (digital and real-world). We’ve asked you to connect with others, and last week we asked you to share your favorite part of your day. This week, we’re interested in the spaces and places that make you who you are.


We all currently live and work at some spot on this planet. Many of us also carry on vibrant lives in digital spaces. For Learning Event Five, we’re interested in the place that calls you back, or think most fondly about.

Do you have a heritage, or culture that draws you back to another place? Do you have other people(s) that call you back “home”? When you think about what constitutes your identity, do you think of another food, culture, music, and people than the space or place you’re currently residing? You might be blessed are are living the life you want to live right now.

Sharing your totem

In thinking about this space and place, sometimes there is something that is always calling us back home. Some call this a totem. A totem is a being, spirit, or symbol that serves to unite and bring us back to our place or home. What is your totem?

How are you bound back to this space and place? What is your story? What is their story?


How do I do this?

Reviewing the following video, Issue 1: Absaroka, which includes the poem Horse Bones by Jonathan Levitt.

Issue 1: Absaroka from Collective Quarterly on Vimeo.

Consider the imagery, words, and allusions the authors of this text share with you. What places are they calling back to for the speaker? In what ways does the speaker identify with these places? In what ways is the place and space still a home for the speaker? What totems do the authors share of these spaces and places?

Play, create, & share a digital representation of your totem. This could be an image, video, text, audioclip, or mashup that reflects the place and space that you most strongly identify with.


Tweet this response to the #WalkMyWorld hashtag. Check out what others share on the #WalkMyWorld hashtag. You might feel moved and motivated to be creative and challenge yourself by reviewing what others share. That is a good thing. 🙂

A guiding example

On the page for this learning event, I shared a poem and some GIFs I shared last year for #WalkMyWorld learning event seven. I primarily was interested in playing with poetry and trying to see what I could do with a found poem. I was relatively happy with the poem that I created. I thought that I could do a better job with the mutlimodal text that I shared…but it was a start.

To check out what I shared, and possibly get some ideas…click here.

For this current learning event, I have some ideas, but I need to think a bit about totems, and how I want to represent myself. I was really intrigued by some tweets back and forth with Kathleen Majorsky. I want to figure out a way to capture and include some aspects of food, culture, and music in my totem. I’m also intrigued by her use of Pinterest in sharing her love of Pittsburgh.

Calling all of you Pinterest fans out there…come show your skills.

Also, if you’re using, or want to use a digital text or tool and think we should all be using it…please share. We’ve got tons of people playing, sharing, and learning online.



Cover image CC BY 2.0 Archives Foundation

Top image CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 BrookeNovak

Middle image CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 BrookeNovak

Bottom image CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 BrookeNovak


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