My task for the Statement of Philosophy and Pedagogy portion of the Comprehensive Exams is included below. I have embedded my response at the bottom. During completion of your coursework, you have encountered many theorists and scholars who have espoused tenets of thinking, teaching and learning. In 8, double-pages or fewer (Compliant with APA guideline;…
Posts tagged "comprehensive exams"
Article Review and Study Design Task for My Comprehensive Exams
As part of my Cognition and Instruction Comprehensive Examinations, the second part was the Article Review and Study Design Task. I included in below the task I was given. My response is embedded below. PART I Attached is a study that appeared in Computers and Education: “Technology uses and student achievement: A longitudinal study” by Jing…
Syllabus Response Task for my Comprehensive Exams
This is the task I received for one part of my Comprehensive Exams. Below I have embedded my response to this task. Cognition and Instruction Comprehensive Examination: Syllabus Response Task Literacy Across the Curriculum: Reading and Writing in The Content Areas You are an assistant professor at the University of MichMaineCal. Your dean has assigned you…