<span class='p-name'>Syllabus Response Task for my Comprehensive Exams</span>

Syllabus Response Task for my Comprehensive Exams

This is the task I received for one part of my Comprehensive Exams. Below I have embedded my response to this task.

Cognition and Instruction Comprehensive Examination:

Syllabus Response Task

Literacy Across the Curriculum:  Reading and Writing in The Content Areas


You are an assistant professor at the University of MichMaineCal. Your dean has assigned you the task of designing a new 3-credit course on reading and writing in the content areas for subject area teachers in the middle and high school. You are expected to provide students with research-based preparation experiences in how to support literacy development in content area learning, as well as the new literacies you believe are required to effectively read, write, and communicate with Internet technologies.  Your syllabus should meet the Category II standards (The Classroom Teacher) as these appear in Standards for Reading Professionals (International Reading Association, 2004 –Available at:http://www.reading.org/downloads/resources/545standards2003/index.html You can assume that these students are either juniors or seniors and have had course work in assessment and individual differences in learning, as well as regular field experiences in the schools. They are talented students with GPA’s above 3.0 (the minimum level for acceptance into the Secondary Education program). Your students will be in classrooms beginning with the fourth week of classes, for one day each week. You are also expected to run at least a portion of your course online, in a WebCT or similar environment.  You will, however, meet for three hours once a week, for 14 weeks.
Your assignment:

Present your Dean with the following:
·     A syllabus for a 3 credit, 14 week course.
·     The textbook selected and a rationale for this choice (or a packet of readings that replaces the textbook)

·     Selected readings beyond the textbook, if you choose to use one.
·     Assignments and a brief description of weekly, in class activities.
·     Assessment procedures for assigning student grades.
·     A schedule.


  O’Byrne Response to Comprehensive Exam Syllabus Task

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