Searched for "itdml"

The Life and Death of a Literacy & Technology Program

On March 7th, 2012 the Connecticut State Board of Education approved the licensure and hybrid learning format of the Instructional Technology & Digital Media Literacy (IT&DML) program. Approving this new program set a bold and innovative roadmap for the future of hybrid teaching and learning initiatives that are becoming vital educational tools. The program and…

IT&DML Syllabus for Global Literacy in the 21st Century

This post is part of a series of 11 posts in which we’re sharing the syllabi for all 11 courses in the Instructional Technology and Digital Media Literacy (IT&DML) program. Please keep in mind the materials we’re sharing here are the documents and specifics as approved when we initially launched the program. The “real” implementation of these…

IT&DML Syllabus for Foundations in Media Literacy

Over the course of the next week I’ll continue to detail elements of the Instructional Technology and Digital Media Literacy (IT&DML) program. The IT&DML program is a Sixth Year Certificate program in the State of Connecticut. I have been documenting the specifics of the program over a series of blog posts. The next 11 posts (including this…

Course Sequence & Syllabi for the Instructional Technology & Digital Media Literacy Program

The Instructional Technologies & Digital Media Literacy (IT&DML) program is designed for educators who understand that 21st Century teachers must embrace and utilize the technological, cultural, and sociological changes that undergird a differently-connected society.  The program is specifically designed to prepare educators with the knowledge, skills, and dispositions needed to effectively and authentically embed instructional technologies into all content…