Posts tagged "new literacies"

Global Youth in the Digital Age

This morning I’ll have the opportunity to address educators at the 2013 PIER Summer Institute at Yale University. The theme of this year’s Institute is Global Youth in the Digital Age. One of the key components in the materials and threads I’ve seen coming out of the Institute includes an understanding of the term “engagement.” I…

Towards a Framing of Web Literacies

Recently I’ve been sitting in on the work being conducted by Mozilla as they develop a new, open learning standard for Web Literacy. The current thinking that frames these Web Literacies is focusing on four “strands”: exploring, creating, connecting, and protecting. I’ve spent the past week engaged in some dialogue with some great minds on…

Teaching Online and the Time of Screencasts

For years I’ve been researching and promoting the use of online video and screencasts in teaching and learning. Recently I presented this information at a TechTalk. At the TechTalk I was asked a question that I frequently am asked during one of these trainings. In working with educators, my advice is to produce videos, and keep the…

Facilitating Critical Evaluation Skills through Content Creation: Empowering Adolescents as Readers and Writers of Online Information

The final title of my dissertation is: Facilitating Critical Evaluation Skills through Content Creation: Empowering Adolescents as Readers and Writers of Online Information  The dissertation was successfully defended at 2 PM on August 31st, 2012…at 2 PM. I embedded the final materials as well as the proposal below for those of you that are interested. Abstract…