<span class='p-name'>Mozilla Web Literacy Formal Request for Comments (RFC)</span>

Mozilla Web Literacy Formal Request for Comments (RFC)

I written several times about the initiative underway with Mozilla with to develop and release a new Web Literacy Standard. The great folks leading the way behind the development of these web literacies have released a formal “request for comments” (RFC). To view the announcement on Doug Belshaw’s blog, please visit this page….or here on his literaci.es page.

What does this mean for you?

You’re reading this blog because the Internet is the dominant text in your life. Chances are, you also consider yourself to be a web literate individual. In developing these Web Literacies, we would like to develop a series of standards or strands that would identify all of the parts, complexities, and competencies associated with being able to read, write, communicate, socialize, and build online. To make this the best possible set of literacies, Mozilla is sending it out online for public review.

We’ve been working on these for awhile. And there has been a lot of thick, rich discussion about the import and impact of these literacies. That being said…we’ve most assuredly missed some things. To review and vet the standards, we ask that you put on your thinking cap…and get involved.

Get involved!!!

Straight from Mozilla’s page…there are several great ways to get involved and give your feedback:

To drill down into the standards, feel free to review the competencies on this page. Once again, we thank you for your involvement. Please do not review these materials and think “my voice doesn’t matter”, or “I’m not that web savvy.” We need everyone to stand up and let us know what it means to be a web literate individual. Standards and competencies like this will help us educate future generations of digital tiny tykes.

2 Comments Mozilla Web Literacy Formal Request for Comments (RFC)

    1. wiobyrne

      Hi Doug. I’m a small…small…part of a greater initiative. Sorry I couldn’t make the last meeting.

      I’m pushing here as well trying to get badges issued. What are your thoughts about my earlier issue/post about issuing badges? Would you suggest hosting them via cred.ly, WPBadger….I have been talking to the awesome folks at Codery about teaming up with them. I have my own thoughts about hosting these badges on my WordPress site as opposed to joining a community that might be a little more “credible.”

      Thanks again for the feedback.


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