Modifying pedagogy across time, place, path, & pace
For the fifth column, I worked with my colleague and friend Kristy Pytash to discuss opportunities for hybrid and blended learning in K through higher education. We recently published a chapter on literacy instruction & learning in virtual, blended, and hybrid environments. After publishing the chapter, we were involved in a webinar produced by the MVLRI. In this webinar, we had a series of questions from participants who were trying to understand the challenges and opportunities in virtual and hybrid learning. To help guide educators, Kristy and I decided to collaborate again and write this column.
In this post, we’re sharing the manuscript that was submitted for publication. Please feel free to review the Google Doc below and leave comments in the text. Please also feel free to share widely. We included submitted feedback in our revisions to the publisher before finalizing the manuscript.
To go directly to the Google Doc, please click here. You can review the published version here at
[google-drive-embed url=”” title=”JAAL Hybrid/Blended Learning Column” icon=”” width=”100%” height=”400″ style=”embed”]
Supplemental interviews
As a multimodal supplement to the column, I assembled a group of experts and asked them four questions each about the column. You can review the videos below, and click through to learn more about each of the interviews.
Four Questions for Tim Flanagan
Tim Flanagan is a seventh-grade language arts teacher in Stonington, CT. You can follow Tim, and his work online by clicking here.
Four Questions for Kathryn Kennedy
Kathryn Kennedy is the Assistant Director at the Michigan Virtual Learning Research Institute (MVLRI). You can follow their work on Twitter. You can find out more about Kathryn here on her website.
Four Questions for Amy Hutchison
Amy Hutchison is an Assistant Professor of Literacy and at Iowa State University. Her research interests include the study of the new skills, strategies and dispositions required to read, write, and communicate with digital technology and how to best prepare teachers for the integration of literacy and technology. You can check out her new book titled Bridging Technology and Literacy: Developing digital reading and writing practices in grades K-6.
Four Questions for Whitney Kilgore
Whitney Kilgore is an educator with over ten years of experience in educational technology leadership. She is currently pursuing her Ph.D. in Educational Computing at the University of North Texas. You can follow her work at her website.
Four Questions for Kristy Pytash
Kristy Pytash in an Assistant Professor at Kent State University. You can follow more of her work at her blog.
Cover image by smkybear shared under a Creative Commons (BY-SA) license
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